Wednesday, September 17, 2008

CVS 9-14 to 9-20

CVS just hasn't been very exciting for me lately, and this week is no exception. Still, though, there are a few good deals to be had this week, if I happen to be out that way and have time to drop in.

Here's what I came up with this week:

Transaction 1:

$3.99 Excedrin Express Gels (earns $3.99 ECBs)
$3.99 Aleve D Sinus & Cold or Sinus Headache (earns $3 ECBs)
$2.99 Purex laundry soap(earns $1 ECB, monthly deal)

Total before coupons: $10.97

-$2/$10 CVS coupon
-$1 Aleve D printable here or here
-$0.50 Purex (from 8/10 SS)

$7.47 after coupons, earns $7.99 ECBs!

Transaction 2:

$5.49 x2 Outlast lipcolor (earns $3 ECBs)

Total before coupons: $10.98

-$2/$10 CVS coupon
-$5.49 B1G1 Cover Girl lip product (from 8/31 P&G)

$3.49 after coupons, earns $3 ECBs!


Transaction 3:

3/$5 (3) Skippy Peanut Butter jars
3/$5 (3) Skippy Peanut Butter jars

Total before coupons: $10.00

-$2/$10 CVS coupon
-$6 (6) $1 off Skippy (from 8/17 RP - some areas only got $0.60/1 coupons)

$2 after coupons, earns $3 ECBs
(If you got the $0.60 Skippy coupons, your total would be $1.40 after coupons and ECBs, still not bad for 6 jars of peanut butter!)

Weekly Tally-

Total of products: $31.95
Total ECBs spent: $12.96
Total ECBs earned: $13.99

Profit of $1.03!
(if you only had the $0.60 Skippy coupons, you will not have a weekly profit, but will only have spent $0.37 for everything you got this week!)

CVS Beauty Book
Posted on 8:37 PM No Comments

Heads up y'all, there's a new Beauty Book available at CVS. If your CVS has these coupon books, it is inside this month's issue of Reinventing Beauty magazine (the issue with America Ferrara from Ugly Betty on the cover). The magazine is $0.99, but your CVS may have the coupon books available loosely for free.

In this month's book are the following coupons (all expire on 12/31/08):

CVS coupons:

$2 off of U Smile
$2 off of any Skin Effects product$2 off of any Cristophe Beverly Hills
$2 off of any Essence of Beauty
$2 off of any Blade
$1 off of any CVS brand Skincare
$1 off of any Defining Skincare
$2 off of any Styli-Style
Manufacturers Coupons:

$1 off of 2 Aquafina, Sobe Life Water, Propel Invigorating water, G2, or 700ml Propel Fintess Water (12/31/08)
$1 off of Dove Chocolate Large Bar (12/31/08)
$1 off of Dove Beauty Body wash 10oz + (12/31/08)
$1 off of Colgate Fresh Max Toothpaste 4oz+ (1/31/08)- insert & pg 45
$2 off of Palmers Cocoa Butter Body lotion w/ SPF (1/31/08)
$2 off of Lady Speed Stick Clinical (12/31/08)- insert & pg 57
$3 off of 2 Sally Hansen Nail Color or Treatment (12/31/08)
$1 off of Gold Bond Ultimate Skin Therapy Lotion (2/28/09) - pg 75
$1 off of Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste (12/31/08)- pg 39
$1 off of Kellogg's Special K Cereal 12oz+ (12/31/08)- pg 89
$1 off of Kellogg's Special K Cereal Bar Products (12/31/08)- pg 89
$1 off of Kellogg's Special K Protein Product 4ct+ (12/31/08)- pg 89

The Blade coupon can be used on the $1.99 trial sizes of Blade (a deodorant like Axe or Tag) if your store carries these, to get the product FREE.

Also, the Essence of Beauty coupon can be used on many EOB products priced at $2 or less to get these products free.

Thanks to Economic Endeavors for this posting. Check them out for next weeks deals

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